Marios Mavros - Lia Psoma
Evangelia Psoma, completed her studies at the University of Fine Arts of St. Etienne in France, and obtained the National Diploma of Art Plastique
Lia psoma, visual artist, Λία Ψωμά, καλλιτέχνης
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Zoetrope – Dance macabre, paper sculpture and cut out, 2023.

Participation in the group exhibition “Vanitas. Stories of the hereafter” November 30, 2023 - March 03, 2024. MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art-Collections of Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art (within TIF-Helexpo, Thessaloniki). Ζωοτρόπιο -Μακάβριος χορός, πολτοποιημένο χαρτί, cut out, 2023 Συμμετοχή στην ομαδική έκθεση